ANYSHOP e2Reliable, Stylish, Economic,Smartly Designed POS System
The stylish designed ANYSHOP e2 is intuitivelydesigned so that anyone can install or replaceits optional peripheral devices easily. Forexample, all peripheral devices are toollessdesigned, simply turn a thumb screw by handto install or remove with minimal effort. TheANYSHOP e2 also boasts the ability for easyfiled servicing and upgrade due to its groundbreaking modular design that allows hasslefree RAID upgrade and adding additionalside USB ports a breeze. The ANYSHOP e2is also ascetically pleasing due to multiplehousing colors to choose from that will matchjust about any store’s interior design. TheANYSHOP e2 POS system encompasses a userfriendly advanced designed, extreme stability,and high performance with energy efficiency technology.

BLUOEasy to Install but StylishDesign
BLUO is a compact POS System designed fortoday’s business environments. It’s practical,unique design is a perfect marriage of formand function. The BLUO is designed foroptimum convenience by having easy accessI/O ports on the top side. The BLUO sits atopa sturdy, functional base that offers superiorcable management with its ability to housesystem cables inside it. System performance isnot an issues a choice of a high performance3rd Generation Intel® Core™ i3/i5/i7 or anenergy efficient Intel® Atom™ processors forcustom performance needs.

ANYSHOP IIReshaping Businesses Across The Globe
This latest addition to the POSBANK productline sets forth a new standard by offering asleek, modern, aesthetically pleasing designthat doesn’t compromise on features andperformance.The ANYSHOP II stands out from the packwith its piano black or white color schemes. Itsunique L-shape modular engineering gives itunsurpassed stability and a small form factorthat allows additional space at the cash wrap.The ANYSHOP II also boasts cutting edgetouchscreen technology by offering anindustrial grade monitor with CapacitiveGesture-Touch and a sleek True-Flat design;this hi-tech monitor is powered by a highdefinition, eco-friendly LED panel that displayscrisp, vibrant colors.No longer are power outages a concern withthe ANYSHOP II due to its internal ‘SmartBattery’ feature which enables continuedoperation to save critical data. Attaching theANYSHOP II optional peripheral devices is acinch because of the intuitive ‘thumb-screw’design allowing attachment of an MSR or rearcustomer display, for example, without theneed for cumbersome tools.A shortage of I/O ports with the ANYSHOPII isn’t an issue due to multiple port optionconfigurations. And at the heart of thisengineering masterpiece is an industrialgrade motherboard, a blazing fast Intel Core2 Duo CPU and a Solid State Drive for optimalperformance.

BLUOEasy to Install but StylishDesign
BLUO is a compact POS System designed fortoday’s business environments. It’s practical,unique design is a perfect marriage of formand function. The BLUO is designed foroptimum convenience by having easy accessI/O ports on the top side. The BLUO sits atopa sturdy, functional base that offers superiorcable management with its ability to housesystem cables inside it. System performance isnot an issues a choice of a high performance3rd Generation Intel® Core™ i3/i5/i7 or anenergy efficient Intel® Atom™ processors forcustom performance needs.

BLUOEasy to Install but StylishDesign
BLUO is a compact POS System designed fortoday’s business environments. It’s practical,unique design is a perfect marriage of formand function. The BLUO is designed foroptimum convenience by having easy accessI/O ports on the top side. The BLUO sits atopa sturdy, functional base that offers superiorcable management with its ability to housesystem cables inside it. System performance isnot an issues a choice of a high performance3rd Generation Intel® Core™ i3/i5/i7 or anenergy efficient Intel® Atom™ processors forcustom performance needs.